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BLack Power Movement


Cause & Effect

Urban People

In the time of the Black Power Movement 65% of African-Americans moved and started living in urban areas.

It was the first time blacks started moving outside of the South and into other areas so it was a big thing in American history.

Rosa Parks

Refused to give up her seat on the Montgomery bus to a white male, where she was later arrested.

SCLC founded

African Americans and some whites came together to boycott the Montgomery bus until integration was put in place. With in this time transportation was not being used, which lead to a huge downfall in commission. Later forcing the supreme court to rule integration on all buses.

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and other southern black ministers found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to bring about the end of segregation.

Abolishing legalized segregation and ending the disenfranchisement of black southerners in a non-violent manner.

Birmingham Church Bombing  

The black Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama is bombed while Sunday school is in session, and four young girls are killed.

Thousands of angry protesters gathering at the church after the bombing. Governor Wallace sent police and state troopers to break the protests up, violence was all across the city and protesters were being arrested

"I have a Dream'

Martin Luther King, Jr. gives the "I Have a Dream" speech in front of the Lincoln memorial as part of the March on Washington. Over 250,000 people participate

Dignified appeal to the better nature of his countrymen had a resonance far wider than just the United States. When he addressed what he called “the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation,” he would inadvertently set off a worldwide movement for racial emancipation

Voting rights act 

Congress passes the Voting Rights Act which prohibits racial discrimination in voting practices. The Act bans the literary tests and poll taxes used since Reconstruction to prevent blacks from voting.

Overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote as guaranteed under the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Black Panther

The Black Panthers authorize the use of violence as self-defense. The first point of their founding 10-Point Platform reads: "We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community. We believe that black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny."

To monitor police violence in black communities. Empowering the black community in the face of a racist system.



SNCC and BPP had gained momentum, and by the late 1960's the Black Power Movement had made a mark on American culture and society.


In 1961, Baraka was arrested at the United Nations, protesting the murder of Patrice Lumumba, the premier of the Congo, the African Americans actively supporting African liberation represented only a handful of the activists inspired by the independence movements in such African nations as the Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, and Guinea.


They gained Power and Equality through the United States. After Martin Luther King Jr. speech "I Have a Dream".


Money for bus drivers was lost because of what had happened to Rosa Parks and the Boycott


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